ICOM6012A - Internet infrastructure technologies

Semester 1, 2022-23

Lawrence Yeung
Teaching assistant
Tin Man Tony Kwan
Syllabus This course takes a systematic approach to study the various components which form the infrastructure of the Internet.  It provides a comprehensive coverage of existing and emerging Internet technologies and applications.  Topics include: access and backbone network technologies; IP addressing and routing architectures; standard transport and application protocols; operating principles and internals of network entities.  We will focus not only on how the Internet works but also its design rationale and engineering tradeoffs.
Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes Relevant Programme Learning Outcome
CLO1. Appreciate that the Internet is a revolutionary and disruptive technology PLO. 4, 5, 6, 7, 14
CLO2. Gain a thorough understanding of how the Internet works PLO. 4, 5, 6, 7, 14
CLO3. Demonstrate the ability to analyze, assess and predict future Internet technologies and applications PLO. 8, 9, 10, 11, 14
View Programme Learning Outcomes
Enrolment counselling
  • This course requires you to have a firm grasp of computer /communication networking and communication.
  • This would give you a firm foundation to proceed to other ICOM course such as "ICOM6034 Website engineering".
  • Sample of past assignment can be found here.
Topics covered
Course Content No. of Hours Course Learning Outcomes
1. Course Overview; Underlying network technologies & the internetworking concept 2.0 CLO1
2. The Internet Architecture; Network Performance Basics 2.0 CLO1, CLO2
3. Internet Application & Application-Layer Protocols: Web/HTTP, FTP, Email, DNS, Peer-to-Peer file sharing & streaming, Location-based technology & applications 6.0 CLO2
4. Transport Layer Services; UDP and TCP Internals 2.0 CLO2
5. Reliable data transfer; Flow/Congestion Control; Fairness Issues with TCP 6.0 CLO2
6. IP Network Layer Service Models; Router Internal Architectures: Table lookup and switch fabric design 2.0 CLO2
7. IP: Internet Protocols; IP addressing; ICMP; IPv6 2.0 CLO2
8. Routing principles; Routing in the Internet: Intra-domain Routing Protocols (RIP, OSPF); Inter-domain Routing Protocol (BGP), Multicast Routing 3.0 CLO2
9. Openflow switches / software-defined networks; Datacenter networking 2.0 CLO2
10. Mobile IP 1.0 CLO3
Description Type Weighting * Tentative Assessment Period /
Examination Period ^
Course Learning Outcomes
Assignments Continuous Assessment 40% - CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
Four in-class tests (30 mins each) Continuous Assessment 60% - CLO1, CLO2, CLO3
* The weighting of coursework and examination marks is subject to approval
^ The exact examination date uses to be released when all enrolments are confirmed after add/drop period by the Examinations Office.  Students are obliged to follow the examination schedule.  Students should NOT enrol in the course if they are not certain that they will be in Hong Kong during the examination period.  Absent from examination may result in failure in the course. There is no supplementary examination for all MSc curriculums in the Faculty of Engineering.
Course materials

Prescribed textbook: James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-down approach, 8th Edition, Pearson 2021. 

Session dates
Date Time Venue Remark
Session 1 1 Sep 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P3 Face-to-face
Session 2 5 Sep 2022 (Mon) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P3 Face-to-face
Session 3 8 Sep 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P3 Face-to-face
Session 4 15 Sep 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P3 Face-to-face
Session 5 19 Sep 2022 (Mon) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P3 Face-to-face
Session 6 22 Sep 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P3 Face-to-face
Session 7 26 Sep 2022 (Mon) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P3 Face-to-face
Session 8 29 Sep 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P3 Face-to-face
Session 9 3 Oct 2022 (Mon) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P3 Face-to-face
Session 10 6 Oct 2022 (Thu) 7:00pm - 10:00pm CYP-P3 Face-to-face
CYP - Chong Yuet Ming Building
Add/drop 1 September, 2022 - 5 September, 2022
Maximum class size 123